After while supremacists and Neo-Nazis marched in Charlottesville, leading to violence and the tragic killing of anti-racist protester Heather Heyer, many groups and individuals have used social media to point fellow citizens to books, articles, teaching resources, and other materials to help understand what is happening throughout the United States. The members of the Association of University Presses publish scholarship that helps all of us know and understand our history, our present, and our possible futures; and a number of member presses have contributed resource lists to the #CharlottesvilleCurriculum and #CharlottesvilleSyllabus effort. Below are links to these reading lists.
If we’ve missed any #CharlottesvilleCurriculum posts by Association members, please email details to
Beacon Press: A Charlottesville Syllabus for Our Uncertain Times
University of California Press: #CharlottesvilleCurriculum, #CharlottesvilleSyllabus: UC Press Edition
Duke University Press: Essential Reading
University of Illinois Press: #CharlottesvilleCurriculum: Books for Understanding Systemic Racism
Indiana University Press: Fight Back! Counter Racism and Anti-Semitism With These IU Press Titles
University Press of Kansas: Charlottesville Curriculum, via the University Press of Kansas
University of North Carolina Press: #CharlottesvilleCurriculum, #CharlottesvilleSyllabus: UNC Press edition
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